virtual, augmented and mixed reality : 15th international conference, vamr 2023, held as part of the 25th hci international conference, hcii 2023, copenhagen, denmark, july 23-28, 2023, proceedings. vamr (conference) (15th : 2023 : cope... (PubMed)

چنانچه قصد چاپ مقاله در مجله "virtual, augmented and mixed reality : 15th international conference, vamr 2023, held as part of the 25th hci international conference, hcii 2023, copenhagen, denmark, july 23-28, 2023, proceedings. vamr (conference) (15th : 2023 : cope..." دارید، می‌توانید با تکمیل فرم پایین همین صفحه درخواست خودتان را برای ما ارسال کنید. جزئیات مجله:

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Virtual Augment Mixed Real (2023)
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حداقل 180 روز
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اکسپت و چاپ مقاله در مجله virtual, augmented and mixed reality : 15th international conference, vamr 2023, held as part of the 25th hci international conference, hcii 2023, copenhagen, denmark, july 23-28, 2023, proceedings. vamr (conference) (15th : 2023 : cope...
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